Section 5: Game Mechanics
5.1. Start of the Game
5.1.1. Teams prepare for the joust according to 5.2.
5.1.2. The Main Referee asks each team if they are ready. The team captain has to give a clear verbal confirmation or declination. The team captains can confirm by raising their hand in the air, or decline by putting their hand out straight and waving it from side to side.
5.1.3. When both teams signal that they are ready, the Main Referee raises their hand then blows the whistle, dropping the hand simultaneously, signaling the start. The Game Assistant starts the game clock at the whistle. Teams may joust for possession.
5.2. The Joust
5.2.1. Each team positions themselves at their respective side of the court; their players stationary, on their bicycles, with rear wheel touching the boards behind the goal. A False Start is defined as players leaving the board prior to the whistle that starts the game. The Goal Judge must signal a False Start as per if any player leaves the board prior to the whistle that starts the game. An advantage resulting from a team committing a False Start will result in a penalty and possession is granted to the team who lost the joust.
5.2.2. Jousting players must hold their mallet on the same side of their bike. By default, jousts will be right-sided. Teams can agree on a left-sided joust, but must inform the Main Referee prior to the beginning of the game. In case of a disagreement, the side of the joust will be determined by the side the Majority of players hold their mallet. On a right-sided joust, the jousting player must ride to the left of their opponent as they pass each other. On a left-sided joust, the jousting player must ride to the right of the opponent.
5.2.3. Only one
player per team may joust. Jousting players must maintain a straight line until a player makes contact with the ball. Any player that is rushing towards the ball at a consistent pace is considered to be jousting. Players may not desist jousting once they are approximately
away from the ball. A jousting player may not interfere with an opponents’ jousting trajectory. Any action by a jousting player deemed dangerous by the Main Referee will be issued a Major penalty. All other players cannot challenge for possession or place themselves in the path of a jousting player until possession has been established by one player, or both jousting players fail to gain possession as they pass the ball.
5.3. Stoppage of Play
5.3.1. The Main Referee signals a stoppage of play by blowing the whistle. Once the Main Referee signals a stoppage of play, play must stop regardless of the circumstances.
5.3.2. The game may be stopped for any of the following reasons:
5.3.3. Teams must stop playing and return to their half of the court within ten seconds
of the whistle being blown.
5.3.4. 3v3 format The Game Assistant must stop the game clock at every stoppage of play.
5.3.5. Quads Format The game clock keeps running, except for injuries or circumstances that would prevent the game from resuming quickly such as, but no limited to: During the last two minutes
of the game, the Game Assistant stops the game clock at every stoppage of play.
5.3.6. Squad Format The game clock keeps running, except for injuries or circumstances that would prevent the game from resuming quickly such as, but no limited to: During the last two minutes
of the game, the Game Assistant stops the game clock at every stoppage of play.
5.4. Restart of Play
5.4.1. The Main Referee elicits verbal or visual confirmation that the team without possession is ready to begin play. The Main Referee may blow two short bursts on the whistle to elicit the confirmation of the team. If the team without possession does not communicate that they are ready within ten seconds
, a Delay of Game Penalty is issued as per 6.1.1.
5.4.2. After the confirmation, the Main Referee indicates live play as per and announcing "ten seconds to cross". If the team with possession does not begin play within ten seconds
of the other team confirming they are ready the team without possession can begin play by crossing the half-court line. The Main Referee signals "game on”. The Game Assistant starts the game clock.
5.4.3. Play begins and the clock starts when the ball or a player from the team in possession crosses the half–court line. The Main Referee indicates the start of the clock by announcing "game on". Players from the team not in possession cannot engage the other team prior to the start of play.
5.5. End of the Game
5.5.1. The official game clock marks the end of the game.
5.5.2. The Main Referee signals the end of the game with two long whistles.
5.6. Scoring
5.6.1. Goals A point is awarded when the entire ball crosses the entire Goalmouth Line after having originated from a ‘shot’ as defined in 4.2. A shot may subsequently deflect off of any surface except the elongated side of an offensive player’s mallet head or the shaft of an offensive player’s mallet before crossing the Goalmouth Line and be deemed valid.
5.6.2. Invalid Goals No points will be awarded to a ball crossing the entire Goalmouth Line resulting from an action by an offensive player not being a shot. No points will be awarded on any of the following situations:
5.6.3. Own Goals A point is awarded to the opposite team when any action on the ball by a player results in the entire ball crossing the entire Goalmouth Line of their defending Goal
5.7. Ball Out of Play
5.7.1. Out of Bounds A ball is considered out of bounds when it leaves the court or when it bounces off any object above the boards. Possession is forfeited by the team which last touched the ball, including deflections off of a player’s body or bike.
5.7.2. Lodged ball A ball is considered lodged when it becomes entangled, trapped or otherwise stuck in a player’s equipment or court facility. Possession is forfeited by the team that had the ball lodged in their equipment. Possession is forfeited by the team which last touched the ball, including deflections off of a player’s body or bike if the ball is lodged on a court facility.
5.8. Injury
5.8.1. Stoppage of play for an injury is called at the discretion of the Main Referee, should they determine that a player is in need of immediate attention. There is no time limit issued for a stoppage of play in the case of injury. Players are not subject to return to their half of the court as per 5.3.3 if concerned for the safety or well-being of a player, in which case they may assist such player.
5.8.2. Possession will be returned to the team that had it at the stoppage, unless a penalty is to be issued by the Main Referee.
5.9. Player Replacement
5.9.1. 3v3 Format A team may appeal to the Main Referee for the replacement of a player in the case of injury or other outstanding circumstances during the course of a game or between games.
5.9.2. Quads Format A team may not replace any players during a game. A team must continue playing with three
players until a suitable replacement is found and approved as per 5.9.4.
5.9.3. Squad Format A team may not replace any players during a game. A team may not appeal to the Main Referee for replacement of a player until the team has less than four
uninjured players available to play.
5.9.4. General Replacement Procedure Replaced players forfeit eligibility to play for any other team for the duration of the tournament. The only eligible players for replacement are players who are not entered into the tournament, or players who have already been eliminated from the tournament prior to the current stage or elimination round of games. A substitute player can only be replaced on the team by the original player or by subsequent injury. Should an original player rejoin a team after a replacement, the team forfeits the opportunity for secondary replacement for that player. Additional injury, or inability of the player to continue, results in the team continuing without that player for the remainder of the tournament. A team is given a reasonable amount of time - not exceeding five minutes
– to find a replacement and have that player approved by the Head Referee. If a player is ejected from the tournament their team can only appeal for replacement after the game in which they were ejected.
5.10. Timeouts
5.10.1. 3v3 Format A team is granted two
timeouts per game of up to two minute(2min)
duration each. Timeouts can be requested and taken consecutively if needed. A team not ready to play at the ten second
time limit past the two minutes(2min)
of their first timeout must request, if available, their second timeout to extend the stoppage of play. During any stoppage of play, either team may call for a timeout in order to extend the ten second
time-limit before play resumes. The team who is entitled possession when the game restarts does not forfeit their possession to their opponent. During live game play, a team can call for a stoppage in play by gaining possession and audibly yelling “Timeout” to the Main Referee. The team forfeits possession to the opponent. Timeouts requested during live play due to a broken ball or an injured player requiring immediate medical attention will result in the team keeping possession after play restarts and have no influence on their team’s timeout allotment. At the expiration of the timeout, or when the team which called for the timeout declares they are ready, the game may restart as per 5.4. Goal judges and the Assistant Referee may signal the request to the Main Referee as per Mechanical issues requiring repair on a player’s bike or equipment, caused by the opposing team may be granted a five minute
timeout by the Main Referee. This timeout has no influence on a team’s timeout allotment. A team may extend into their available timeouts if needed. The team who is entitled possession when the game restarts does not forfeit their possession to their opponent.
5.10.2. Quads Format A team is granted two
timeouts per game of up to one minute(1min)
duration each. Timeouts can be requested and taken consecutively if needed. A team not ready to play at the ten second
time limit past the one minute(1min)
of their first timeout must request, if available, their second timeout to extend the stoppage of play. On courts that do not permit changes during live play, teams may request up to two
additional thirty seconds(30s)
timeouts for changing their lineup while in possession. Mechanical issues requiring repair on a player’s bike or equipment will result in the substitution of the player by another member of their team with no stoppage of play as per 5.13.1. During live game play, a team can call for a stoppage in play by gaining possession and audibly yelling “Timeout” to the Main Referee. The team forfeits possession to the opponent. Timeouts requested during live play due to a broken ball or an injured player requiring immediate medical attention will result in the team keeping possession after play restarts and have no influence on their team’s timeout allotment. At the expiration of the timeout, or when the team which called for the timeout declares they are ready, the game may restart as per 5.4. Goal judges and the Assistant Referee may signal the request to the Main Referee as per
5.10.3. Squad Format Mechanical issues requiring repair on a player’s bike or equipment will result in the substitution of the player by another member of their team with no stoppage of play as per 5.13.
5.11. Shifted Goal Position
5.11.1. If the goal shifts position, the Goalmouth Line as defined in remains the defining threshold the ball must cross for a point to be awarded.
5.11.2. The Main Referee may stop game play if the position of the goal has shifted greatly enough to inhibit a Goal Judge’s ability to determine whether a point is scored or it is apparent that the shifted position of the goal is affecting game play.
5.11.3. A goal shifted from its original position by unintentional and circumstantial game play will not result in a penalty.
5.11.4. Possession is kept by the team that had it at the stoppage. If no team had possession at the stoppage, the game restarts by a joust as per 5.2.
5.11.5. A shifted goal returned to its original position by the goal judge as per not interfering with play will not result in a stoppage of play. A defending player in the crease may adjust a slightly shifted goal to its correct position if the action does not interfere with play in any way.
5.12. Unsafe Equipment
5.12.1. The Main Referee may to stop the game if at any point during play they deem a player's equipment to be unsafe.
5.12.2. The team must resort to their timeout allowance to sort the problem or to swap bikes. If the problem cannot be fixed or there is no replacement bike available within the allowed time, play will resume without the player in question in a Player Advantage for the opposite team. The excluded player can reintegrate the game at the next stoppage of play.
5.12.3. The Main Referee must approve the equipment of the player prior to the restart of play In the case of the equipment not being deemed safe by the Main Referee, the player will be excluded from the game until they can sort the problem.
5.13. Bench Mechanics
5.13.1. Quads Format A team is allowed to substitute their bench players for one of the three
active players on the court by entering and exiting through their designated door on their defensive half of the court. On a team of three
players, any player being unable to continue play during a game, by either a mechanical or an injury will result in a player advantage for the opposing team as per 8.5 until such player is able to reintegrate the game. Prior to a new player entering the court, the player attempting to exit the court must be within the transition area that is a
3 ± 0.5m
boundary from the center of their team's designated door. If either player entering or exiting the court interacts with a loose ball or interferes with an opponent while the substitution is occurring, an Illegal Substitution infraction is called as per 6.1.5.
5.13.2. Squad Format A team is allowed to substitute any of their bench players for one of the three
active players on the court by entering and exiting through their designated door on their defensive half of the court. Prior to a new player entering the court, the player attempting to exit the court must be within the transition area that is a
3 ± 0.5m
boundary from the center of their team's designated door. If either player entering or exiting the court interacts with a loose ball or interferes with an opponent carrying ball while the substitution is occurring, an Illegal Substitution infraction is called as per 6.1.5.
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